Spring Term 1

Spring 1 Week 5

As biologists, we have been learning to identify the different parts of a flower. We used our observational skills to identify these parts in real flowers, with the help of scientific diagrams. In RE, we have been learning how Jewish families celebrate weddings. In PE, we have been developing our gymnastics skills, focusing on balance with a partner. As part of Children's Mental Health Week, we discussed and supported each other in identifying strategies that help us deal with our emotions.

Spring 1 Week 4

As artists, we have created clay vases and used joining and smoothing techniques to securely attach handles. In English, we have written our own Ancient Greek myths based on 'Theseus and the Minotaur.' As mathematicians, we have explored the concept of area and used counting as a strategy for measurement.


Spring 1 Week 3

As gymnasts, we explored different ways of travelling using rolling. Applying our past knowledge, we practised the log roll, egg roll, teddy bear roll, and forward roll before starting to explore the steps for a backward roll. In maths, we extended our understanding of division by using short division (the bus stop method) to solve problems involving exchanging and remainders.

Spring 1 Week 2

To deepen our understanding of the impact the Ancient Greeks had on the Western world, we held an Ancient Greek Day at school. Both children and adults dressed in a variety of colourful and vibrant costumes. To start the day, the children explored life during the Ancient Greek period by exploring primary and secondary sources. Following this, they competed in an Ancient Greek-style Olympics, participating in events such as discus throwing, chariot racing, and sprinting, with the goal of winning a wreath. In the afternoon, the children enjoyed a celebratory feast featuring breadsticks, grapes, olives, feta, and pitta – a perfect conclusion to a fantastic day!

Spring 1 Week 1

To launch our topic, 'It's All Greek to Me,' we explored the Greek myth 'Theseus and the Minotaur.' By stepping into the roles of key characters, we created and performed short dramas to retell the myth in our own way. As mathematicians, we extended our understanding of negative numbers by applying past knowledge to subtract through zero. In PSHE, we reflected on the value of resources within our community, such as schools, police officers, and local parks, and debated which are most and least important, considering their impact on our daily lives.

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Hillcross Primary School, Ashridge Way, Morden, Surrey, SM4 4EE

020 8542 6936
