
It is a primary aim of Hillcross Primary School that every member of the community feels happy, safe and secure, and that each person is valued and treated fairly.  We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. Therefore, the primary aim of behaviour management is not a system to enforce rules, but a means of promoting good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn and to show the value of compassion. When there is a positive culture at school, all pupils feel safe and able to learn, also staff feel supported and able to teach too.

Alongside this, when all members of the community have a shared understanding (and common 'language') of what is deemed acceptable and not acceptable, and there is consistency in approach, behaviour is positive.

The Department for Education document, 'Behaviour in schools Advice for headteachers and school staff' (January 2022) reports, "Good behaviour in schools is central to a good education. Schools need to manage behaviour well, so they can provide calm, orderly, safe and supportive environments in which children and young people want to attend and can learn and thrive. Being taught how to behave well is vital for children to succeed personally and for them to successfully navigate the communities they inhabit."

Good behaviour underpins effective learning, and children need good personal and social skills in order to live fulfilling and rewarding lives as adults.  We believe it to be a highly important aspect of children’s education and development that they learn to behave appropriately, treat others well and contribute positively towards the community in which they live.  We focus on developing specific Habits of Mind and key values that help everyone in our school community to develop a positive, considerate mind-set. This enables children to grow in a safe and secure environment, and to become responsible and increasingly independent members of the community.

We expect high standards of behaviour from everyone within the Hillcross community, and as adults, should always role model what is expected. Our expectations are designed for the safety of everyone, and in order to maximise the potential of every child, we ask for parents and staff to support us in upholding them.  Our main expectation is to show care and consideration for others.  We strongly believe that a positive approach to discipline is the best one, promoting good behaviour through an ethos of kindness and collaboration. In the words of the fictional character Auggie Pullman, "When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind."

Behaviour which disrupts learning is unacceptable in our school, and through the constant promotion of positive behaviour, we seek to minimise, if not eliminate, any such behaviour. Whilst our aim is to promote good behaviour, we do apply agreed sanctions with regard to pupils’ behaviour where necessary. To ensure that all children are aware of expectations, as well as the consequences for any inappropriate choices, we have clearly defined levels of consequences. This common understanding, and language, ensures there is consistency in approach.  Click on this link to access the Levels of Consequences.

We treat all children fairly and apply our behaviour management approach consistently, regardless of race, gender, age or ability (and all other protected characteristics).  We are an inclusive school and endeavour to meet the needs of all children, including those with emotional and behavioural difficulties. However, when appropriate, we make reasonable adjustments to support children who might find things more challenging. In all disciplinary actions, it is essential that the child knows that it is the behaviour which is unacceptable, and not the child as a person.  

 We are a Silver Rights Respecting School and so this approach links closely to Article 28 (Right to Education) of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)., which states: 'Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free and different forms of secondary education must be available to every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s dignity and their rights. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this. You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.’ 

  • The February/March 2023 OFSTED report states: 'Pupils love coming to this school. Pupils develop sophisticated knowledge through learning the curriculum. They are inquisitive and motivated to learn and sensible. Pupils feel safe here because adults listen to them and take what they say seriously. One parent, capturing the views of many, said, ‘Our children are thriving at Hillcross.’
  • It also states, 'Ensuring that everyone feels valued and respected is taken very seriously here. Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to enjoy high levels of success. Pupils who need additional help are supported with kindness and understanding by adults and their peers alike. Pupils are considerate and treat their peers with sensitivity. Pupils cooperate exceptionally well together. Pupils are well aware of bullying and the harm that it can cause. Staff take swift action so that it stops. One pupil reflected what many said about bullying: ‘The reason it is so rare here is because teachers are so good at resolving it quickly.’
  • Another comments were that, 'Pupils’ opinions matter here. Leaders empower pupils to think for themselves. They regularly ask for pupils’ views. The junior leadership team has an important role in improving the school’s work on well-being, including forming a well-being committee and sharing a weekly well-being tip with the whole school.'
  • The Parental Questionnaire (Part 1), 2024 shows that 95 % of our parents feel that our school promotes 'high standards of behaviour so that our children are well behaved' and 84% think the school works hard to prevent all form of bullying. One parent commented, 'Proactive approach on bullying instead of just "keeping an eye".'
  • The Children's Mid-Year Survey March 2024 shows that 98% of our pupils think that the adults at school have high expectations of behaviour. Also, 95% of the pupils think that if people don't follow the rules in school, then this is addressed by adults. Additionally, 94% of children say they learn how to keep themselves and others safe.

Hillcross Primary School, Ashridge Way, Morden, Surrey, SM4 4EE

020 8542 6936