Welcome back Reception - Spring 1
Week 1
Reception has had an amazing first week back thinking all about Winter!
As scientists, we explored ice and how it melts and were able to use our creative thinking by painting with it outside. We cooked with it in the mud kitchen, and we thought about the clothes we needed to wear to keep warm. As designers, we drew designs for a shelter for the arctic animals and then built them. We also started gymnastics using apparatus!
Week 2:
This week as scientists, we explored fish by looking at the features of fish. We then used this knowledge, as writers, to segment and blend to label images of fish. As mathematicians, we looked at repeating patterns in a circle which was great fun! As writers, we wrote a story map for the rainbow fish and used our brilliant communication skills to explain it. As musicians, we focused on the beat of a song and used claves to demonstrate the beat. As designers, we used a range of different joining techniques to create different under the water creatures.
Week 3:
This week, our focus was all about sustainability! Ripple the mermaid left us a surprise on Monday and we soon learnt she wanted us to find out about sustainability. As writers, communicators, we discussed ways in which we could be sustainable and look after our world and, as writers, created sustainability posters that we have displayed around the school! As scientists, we explored floating and sinking. We made predictions and tested these predictions using experiments. We can now identify objects that float and objects that sink. As mathematicians, we built on our learning from last week and created patterns in a circle using natural objects. We also identified naturally occurring patterns.
Week 4- Sharks and Lunar New Year
This week in reception, we focused on sharks and celebrated the Lunar New Year. As readers, we read the non-fiction book called Shark Lady which focused on Dr Eugenie Clark. As well as our learning on sharks, we spent time learning about the Lunar New Year. We found out about the Great Race story and used this as mathematicians to find out all about ordinal numbers. We used instructions to make spring rolls and as communicators explained the process of making them. As writers, we had a go at writing some numbers in Chinese and even got to explore some traditional outfits. We also explored the idea of red being a symbol of good luck in China so we used lots of red when colouring in this week!
Week 5-
This week, as readers, we focused on fact files. We used our knowledge of segmenting and blending to read non-fiction fact files all about fish! As writers, we thought back to making spring rolls for Lunar New Year last week to write our own set of instructions for them. Most exciting of all, we were lucky enough to be visited by a Reflect workshop focused around healthy living. As scientists, we had a fantastic time learning about all of the things we can do to keep our bodies and minds healthy. Take a look at the pictures below to see what we got up to!
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