Nursery Year Group
Please note that school uniform is compulsory in Nursery. Please click here for more details.
Session Times
AM - 8:30am - 11:30am
All day 8:30am - 3:15pm
PM - 12:15am - 3:15pm
An option flexible drop off time between 8.30-8.45am and flexible pick up time between 3.00-3.15pm are available to families.
Children in Nursery are required to wear school uniform, please see the uniform information page for details. All clothes should be easy to manage and ensure children are as independent as possible. They will require a coat and sensible footwear for each session (no plimsolls or open toed shoes please)
Please name all items of clothing and footwear.
Nursery do not participate in a set PE session in the Autumn term, instead they are involved in a daily physical development session in the EYFS outdoor playground. Please ensure your child is dressed comfortably and in clothes in which they are able to manage during toileting times, as well as ensuring their safety during the outdoor learning which is available each day. Please ensure that your child is wearing black trainers. Plimsolls are not recommended as they are not suitable for wet weather or outdoor sessions, nor do they offer appropriate support for young children's feet if worn across the full day,
Nursery start their PE sessions after Christmas, in the Spring term. They will need to wear the Hillcross PE uniform, please find more information on this here.
Water Bottles & Snacks
Children must have a named water bottle in their house colour. They can choose to bring a school water bottle with a house coloured lid (purchased via parentmail). Alternatively, parents can source their own transparent water bottle in their child's house colour. These should contain water only. See here for further guidance.
School water bottles will be available for purchase via Parentmail. A payment item has been set for all families if you need to purchase a bottle, please indicate the quantity you require and which house your child/ren are in. From Thursday 3rd September to Monday 14th September we will review this payment item daily so that we can send water bottles home within 24 hours of ordering. After this date, we will view this once a week. The cost of a water bottle is £1.75 and each additional lid is 75p.
Every child aged 3-5 years is entitled to free milk provided by the Government. If your child is unable to drink milk please speak to a member of the team. Children are also provided with a piece of fruit as part of the government school fruit and vegetable scheme. This is a help yourself café situation where the children are able to access their own fruit and milk throughout their session.
Get Involved!
There are numerous opportunities for you to join in with the life of the school in the following ways:
- Accompanying school trips;
- EYFS Christmas Show (Autumn 2);
- EYFS Easter Performance (Spring 2);
- Sports Day (Summer 1);
- Supporting Friends of Hillcross & Volunteering in School
Hillcross is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment. This means that we have a Child Protection Policy and supporting procedures in place. All staff (including supply staff, volunteers and governors) must ensure that they are aware of these procedures. Parents and carers are welcome to read the policy on request.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) are:
- Lisa Francis – Headteacher
- Lee Christy - Assistant Headteacher
- Tanja Doig – Assistant Headteacher
- Steph Mayar - Assistant Headteacher/SENCO